

My name is Alex Belov (b. 1986). A journalist and a photographer, currently resides in Yerevan, Armenia.

As a street photographer and documentary photographer, I focus on exploring the human environment. All my life I dreamed of telling people stories about people and photography became a language for me. I travel to compare and contrast and create narrative projects.
I was born in Moscow, but moved after the start of the Russian-Ukrainian War. I am a member of the International Federation of Artists (IFA), as well as Metropolis, the League of Cultural and Art Workers. I have won a number of international art awards and have participated in international and in-house exhibitions. Many of my works have received international recognition and are in demand among art collectors.
In addition to photography, I work in the field of graphic design and write articles on culture and art. Since 2021, I have been teaching design at the British Higher School of Design, giving lectures on art and photography.

2023: IPA, official selection
2023: Fine Art Photography Awards, nominee
2023: FujiFilm Moment Street Photo Award, finalist
2022: 35Awards, shortlist
2021: Young Russian Photographers 2021, finalist
2021: Urban Photo Awards, long list
2015: Metropolis, silver medal (Portrait)
2013: Eyes on Asia award, shortlist


2023: FujiFilm Moment Street Photo, MUZEUM CZESTOCHOWSKIE, Częstochowa, Poland (membership)
2021: Trieste Photo Fringe, Italy (membership)
2021: Young Russian Photographers, Kaluga, Russia (membership)
2017: «Point of view» («Точка зрения»), Red October Gallery (membership)
2017: «Portrait. Identification of the person.» («Портрет. Выяснение личности.»), State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, Exhibition halls (membership)
2016: «Co-creation» («Сотворчество»), Tushino Exhibition Hall (membership)
2015: «Time and imagery» («Время и образы»), Central House of Journalists (membership)
2015: «REM sleep» («Фаза быстрого сна»), Time-cafe Zero KM (personal)
2007: «Mirror view» («Зеркальный взгляд») (membership)
2006: «Moscow 2006» («Москва 2006»), Solyanka Gallery (membership)
2006: Annual exhibition of IFA Unesco, Moscow, Gogolevskiy Boulevard (membership)


2023: FujiFilm Moment Street Photo catalogue
2023: Urban: Unveils the city and its secrets
2021: Trieste Photo days catalogue
2021: «Young Russian Photographers 2021» catalogue
2016: «Best of Metropolis 2014-2016»
2012: «Golden Cut»
2010: «Ars Longa»
2008: «Metropolis» almanac
2007: «Metropolis» almanac
2006: «Moscow-2006»